Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I CAN'T Cook, I mean DON'T LIKE to cook!

First Step To Recovery Is Admitting It......I....CAN'T....COOK!!!! Phew....that was hard but it feels good to get it off my chest. ;-)

Last night I was watching Basketball Wives of LA Reunion (guilty pleasure, don't judge me) and a comment was made about Jackie, one of the wives, not being able to cook.  Now I have made it clear to people that I DON'T LIKE to cook but truth is there are very few things that I can cook so I probably fall in the category of CAN'T cook.  However, I choose to say "don't like" simply because it seems to sit better with people if they assume that you can but you just choose not to, not to mention I don't like to deal with all the scrutiny that comes along with that truth. 

Funny how a woman can have everything going for her: a good career, a house, a car, great personality, beauty but the second she opens her mouth to say she can't cook, its as if she's bruised fruit.  I am married to a man who loves to cook and accepts the fact that I don't like, I mean, can't cook. I keep him happy in many other ways.  They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, I say the way to a man's heart is through his heart and if that doesn't work it always helps to be a little "fun" in the bedroom....just kidding...but seriously.

I digress, back to the matter at hand. As of late, I find that there are more couples where the man cooks or neither cook and choose to go out or order in. And that's fine. Ever since when did it become my job, as a woman, to feed you! If you're hungry, get your ass up and make something or make a run to the closest restaurant.  If you choose to starve or throw shade my way because I can't, won't, don't like to cook....simply said, fuck you.

 Women are professionals, mothers, wives, maids, chefs, etc. we keep this world running. The strength we have is unmeasurable. My achievements and womanhood will not be diminished by the fact that I can't cook.  

Just know if you come to my house and my husband is not here to cook, there will always be plenty of wine.  Drink up until you forget that you are hungry!


  1. MissChelle!! I was also watching the BB Wives reunion...I'm addicted! I've seen every episode and find that show absolutely off the wall entertaining! I wish I knew that you watched it so that we could have gossipped about it all season because no one else I know watches!

    That being said, I'm glad to hear your sweet hubby cooks for you, but maybe you just need to find the right dishes! Cooking can be SO fun, and rewarding when people enjoy your dishes! (plus, if you cook dinner you can shlep the cleaning off on someone else! "hey, I cooked, you can clear the table and do the dishes!") haha.

    On another note, it was FABULOUS to see you on Thanksgiving and I'm happy to see that you're doing so well, and selfishly, even more happy to see that your blogging again...now I need to start! ahh!

  2. Yes, I am in LOVE with that show. I DVR it every week, it's ridiculous. Ha! Anyways, I love to eat but hate waiting for it, i dont think I'll ever be in the mood to or like cooking. As far as blogging goes, you were my inspiration. Didn't think anyone read my blog but i'll keep it alive for those who do. Merry Christmas, boo.
