The field I work in I get to have contact with a variety of people, whether that is a good or bad thing depends on the people I meet that day. Today I saw a woman who wore (what I'm assuming to be) a 6 karat diamond wedding ring buying all the items she could possibly fit into her home and another woman who wanted me to help her blow her $2,000. Then I met a woman who tried to haggle me for a discount on an already discounted item, and another couple who lied about someone telling them they could get an item for $100 dollars cheaper than it was priced.
Reading a person is key to being a salesman. Most of the time we judge people before they even walk through the door. And once we've received a good vibe from that person we only see $$$$dollar signs$$$$. The company I work for can attract people who have come in to purchase only the most prestigious and expensive item the store carries and really just want to come in to blow money. And we also get people who are pinching every penny for that one little item that they absolutely need. And then you get all the ones in between.....the ones who saved, and saved, and saved to make the purchase, the person who is hood rich and is taking there weekly drug money income to buy frivolous shit, the person who saved there state/welfare check to buy the most expensive thing in the store meanwhile their child's hair isn't done, shoes are torn to pieces, and clothes aren't clean.
We sales people treat each and every person just like the rest of the world does. The rich folks come in and we clean up our language, straighten out our clothes, give the best sales presentation, and bend over backwards to make that sale. Then those who saved to get the things they want in life come in and we treat them well but refuse to respect the hard working family that might not be able to frivolously spend their money on items well out of their budget. And finally the drug dealer and welfare folks walk in and we could care less how you got your money as long as your willing to spend it but that "bend over backwards" service definitely isn't guaranteed or offered at all.
Just another way to just keep people where their at in the world through a sales perspective. Our country is filled with the middle class person who struggles but still makes an effort to experience some of the finer things in life. As a sales person I cater to the middle class person because that's who I am, or at least I think I'm middle class. And I'm not ashamed to say that I look down on the people who abuse the system for section 8, welfare, food stamps, child support, unemployment. I am too proud to let myself be on assistance. This country gives us the freedom to chose the way we want to live and fortunately for those who come from money or found a way to make their money work for them, the system will only aid them in sustaining that status. However, unfortunately those who have chosen to live off the government are aided as well to maintain their status.
I can't stand those who get by on my taxes and those who are better off than me who get tax breaks. Seems to only be two ways to not be a sucker in this world. Either get rich some how some way and the government will back you with tax breaks or be the poorest of the poor and the government will back you with financial aid.
Guess I'm just venting because I'm tired of being middle class and too proud to be lower class and struggling entirely too hard to be upper class.