Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Awake! And Seeing the American Dream for What It REALLY Is!

I have been neglecting this blog a tad bit but I'm coming back with a vengeance!

Over the past couple of weeks I've watched several "controversial" being "Capitalism: A Love Story" by Michael Moore and as we speak I'm watching "If God is Willing and Da Creek Don't Rise" a Spike Lee documentary about Hurricane Katrina.     This country is so corrupt, its nauseating. 

I'm only 24 yrs old but I remember as a kid the unity that was felt throughout my neighborhood and the fact that the "American Dream" was possible.  Things were good!  My father had his own business that was doing well and my mother was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years and we lived comfortably.  We WERE the American Dream!  This country has taken a turn for the worse and I'm hopeful that we are on the road to turning back around to the community we once were. 

Between the housing foreclosures, bailouts, the recession, the war, and terrorist attacks....Americans are broken!  We can't take any more. There are things that are completely out of our hands.  Not only are we worried about losing family members overseas and terrorist attacks in our own cities but now we have to be wary of what our own president, our own government, our own media, and even our own fuckin neighbor is doing.

What we THINK we know is all lies!  We are lied to by politicians, news anchors, and even our former president lied to us.  There is no longer any humanity.  Those who are wealthy and upper class look at those who are middle class or poor as an opportunity to exploit. To use us to their own advantage by giving us minimum wage jobs that require an exorbitant amount of work.  But who cares about the health of the lower and middle class....just as long as the rich stay rich the rest of us don't matter....America will get along just fine without the working class as we all die off from stress and depression.

The system is meant to keep everyone EXACTLY where they are.  Even college is impossible.  To be accepted to a notable university is downright stressful!!! Students are strung along to think this is the way to build a future.  To build a solid structure for the rest of your life.  BUT....what happens when you graduate and now you're in an unimaginable amount of debt because of student loans and can't get a job because we're in the middle of a recession.   Now those loans are in repayment and your annual salary barely covers your essential expenses.  For a person to dig their way out of that much debt, it nearly takes a lifetime.  Your life is dedicated to getting out of debt! By time a person owns a home, a decent car, and has kids on top of student loans...debt has now engulfed you. 

I have a lot of faith in President Obama.  I have no other choice than to put my trust in him to turn this country around.  And even though I am proud of who is leading this country now, I can't help but to think about the ignoramus who preceeded him in office for 8 long years.  Watching excerpts from "When The Levees Broke" makes my heart burn with hatred.  He is the epitome of what is wrong with this country.  When a man and his administration have to take 5 days to decide how much aid his own country's citizens deserve in the midst of a tragedy where people are dying and have no shelter or food, then I have to say THAT is a man who deserves to be impeached!!!  Bill Clinton has an affair and lies to us about his own personal affairs is impeached but a man who allows 100's of thousands of people to starve and go without shelter for 5 days is praised???? 

What I ask of anyone who reads this is share your knowledge and lend a helping hand to your fellow Americans. 
America is becoming a corporation and is no longer about the people who make America the great place it once was. 


A Dreamer

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